Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome To My Techie Blog!

Hey Guys! I decided to create this blog to help me share with you the numerous tips that I have discovered along the way as we work through the process of blogging, facbooking, twittering, epropertysiting and all those other Web related sites we are using. I have done this primarily for my fellow C21 Bloggers but realize that, while I will not become famous through this endeavor, some unlikely soul may happen to stumble upon this site and find it useful. And the real reason is that I find this whole process a ton of fun and it will serve as a guide to help me remember how to do all this stuff.

I am excited at the energy that comes from our group. Brad and Greg have done a marvelous job of helping us along on a path of new discovery. A path that many of us realize is vital to stability and longevity in our market. Our little group has grown and I enjoy the time I've spent getting to know other agents and share in our trials and accomplishments.

So follow along with me as I journey into the world of Internet Connectedness and if you have tips that you feel would be helpful to our group, let me know. I would love to have them. What I find is that we learn best from each other. So share this journey with me.

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